Monday, January 25, 2016


What November looked like:
A mad scramble to finish the basement (didn't happen), a family fun Thanksgiving and birthday, and the arrival of some snow!

Fall in da Yoop

Our fall was full of leaves and pumpkins and costumes. And strangely devoid of snow. As it should be. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

New Beginnings

September was beautiful and busy. 
We started school, split wood, played at the lake, chased rainbows, built the basement, pressed apples. 

Friday, September 11, 2015


It's not very exciting just titling each post by month, but it is direct, right?

In August we finally did what I've been dying to do for years: nothing. I cleared the calendar and we had free weekends to do fun stuff or house stuff or just enjoy the amazing, bug-free best of the UP summer. It was spectacular. 

Building bat houses with our 4H group

Riding to/from the river

Camped and swam

Finished summer camp!